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  [Common] How are U-turns made?

1. U-turns on the two-level signalized intersection (TLSI) are made in the same manner as on the conventional intersection. U-turns are made from the innermost lane (first lane) on left turn signal or on walk signal for pedestrians.

The TLSI is a new type of intersection, but it is the same as the conventional flat intersection. The only difference is that the number of phases in a signal cycle is reduced by two. (However, the overall rate of traffic flow is completely different from the conventional intersection.)

The following diagram is to help understanding.

2. Non-Stop Interchange would not require a separate U-turn lane.

However, if a U-turn is absolutely necessary, it could be made from the outermost lane or the innermost lane. There are two different types of Non-Stop Interchange — the left-right off ramp, right merge type, and the right off ramp left-right merge type. For the type with left turn off ramp (left-right off ramp, right merge), innermost (left) lane, and for the right off ramp, left-right merge type, outermost (right) lane could be utilized to make U-turn lanes. Of course, separate road above or below the opposing traffic should be constructed to merge on the outside. Auxiliary road should be used to not interfere with the straight through traffic.

The following diagram is presented to aid understanding.

Schematic diagram of left-right off ramp, right merge construction.
Schematic diagram of right off ramp, left-right merge construction.
3. Description of "Two-Level Round-About" is omitted as its structure naturally allows U-turns.